Monday, October 5, 2009

Morehouse Mollifier at the Manhattan Cocktail Classic

The Manhattan Cocktail Classic Fall Preview has come and gone, and I could hardly imagine a better time. There was camaraderie behind each bar, spirits in every glass, and smiles at every turn... not what one might expect from a summit situated in the seat of general cocktail snobbery. This past weekend I was quite proud to be working in the Spirits industry in New York City.

At the closing Gala, held at the New York Public Library, Masha & I danced across the expansive lobby's marble floors and all through the evening. In between sets, there were 14 bars to sip and sample from, not to mention several spreads of beautiful cuisine.
In particular, I was happy to see that the Morehouse Mollifier had been put to use. Greg Boehm (proprietor of Cocktail Kingdom, who has been my historical eyes on more than one occasion, requested from me some historical New York Vodka recipes, nearly all of which I dug up from Ted Saucier's Bottoms Up, 1951. Among my recommendations was the Morehouse Mollifier, created by Ward Morehouse, Columnist, New York World-Telegram and Sun.

Ward Morehouse is most remembered for his Column, Broadway After Dark, where he scribbled out a carrier as a drama critic. Known to appreciate a good meal and a good drink, his favorite interview location was the 21 Club in New York. It's likely that this refresher was first shaken at the 21 Club.

Mollify, for those who care to know, means to appease the anger or anxiety of someone. Perhaps Mr. Morehouse had this cocktail assembled and served to those whom he interviewed to calm their nerves, help them relax into a loose-lipped mood.

The Recipe:

Juice 1/2 lime (1/2 oz)
1 jigger vodka (1 1/2 oz)
1/2 jigger Grand Marnier (3/4 oz)
Dash orange flower water (Go Easy!)
Shake well. Serve in cocktail glass.

Morehouse was an exceptionally travelled man, having driven across the U.S. over 23 times and visited 80 foreign countries. Perhaps he developed a thirst for Vodka somewhere along the way.

Whatever the case may be, Vodka works well in this cocktail because of how thoroughly orange the drink wants to be. Don't linger over this one, take it quick-like, with only enough breathing in between to capture the fumes and orange flower fragrance. Vodka lends its usual velvety texture while otherwise being properly subdued. You wouldn't want gin in a case such as this; when I want to sink my teeth into a chilled ripe orange, I don't want a mouth full of juniper berries waiting in the wings.

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